Heartbeat (project idea)

A while ago I came up with an idea for a project that I’d like to do. The problem is it would be very hard for me to realize. Nonetheless I feel like sharing my idea here:

The name is heartbeat and it would be a service/software that allows people to store, create and present files related to their identity, digitally, indefinitely.

Talking about relationships

Hello everyone. Since I dropped out of school my life has changed in a few ways; not only did I start working full-time at my previous job but I also found myself having a lot of spare time. Time that I spend alone… mostly. With all of my freedom and all of my self control…

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Importan Life Choices Part IV

A lot of time has passed I feel like. Time feels so relative nowadays. I’m not particularily happy with myself nor my situation although there is generally nothing badly wrong with it. My problem is that I don’t deliver on my ideas and plans. I don’t keep my own promises that I set with myself.…

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Important Life Choices Part III

– I am going to make this one short just like my attention span – A month has past since my last update. My progress regarding my own successes have been varying. I haven’t improved much if any looking at how I do at school and so on. Nothing else outstanding has happend. My teacher…

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If I couldn’t say goodbye

In case I wasn’t able to properly say goodbye before leaving this world I’m sorry for all the problems that I had and didn’t resolve. In another time maybe in another life I’d try to be better than I was. To all of you who have supported me, stood by my side and believed in…

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The Meaning of life

Pretty much everone has asked themselves this question at some point in their live. I too did so multiple times and I’ve gone the existantialist way – believing that there is no such thing as a universal meaning in life but rather that oneself has to give meaning to it. Contrary to absurdism I don’t…

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