Privacy Policy

This post will most likely get updated from time to time according to changes I make in the official Privacy Policy statement. To be sure about the integrity of the following please compare it to the official Privacy Policy by clicking this link: Privacy Policy TLDR; I have no intention to monitize nor collect…

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The Meaning of life

Pretty much everone has asked themselves this question at some point in their live. I too did so multiple times and I’ve gone the existantialist way – believing that there is no such thing as a universal meaning in life but rather that oneself has to give meaning to it. Contrary to absurdism I don’t…

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I believe that everyone should try hard and work hard for what they want. People make mistakes and are wrong all the time which is the most human thing ever. As long as you accept that and don’t judge others too hard – also not yourself – and for example admit to your faults and…

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Introducing: The Privacy Blog

Welcome to The Privacy Blog, a section where I share my experience regarding privacy related things. For now this first post is going to be held pretty short but once I established everything and have posted more I’m sure going to update this to give a better introduction into this blog section. As always I…

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